Friday 8 October 2010

Nobel Prize

  • This year's Nobel Prize in Literature will be going to Mr Vargas Llosa, from Peru.
  • Nobel Prize in Medicine is awarded to Mr Robert G. Edwards, the founder of the test tube technique.
  • Nobel Prize in Physics is shared by Mr A Geim and Mr K Novoselov.
  • Nobel Prize in Chemistry goes to Richard F. Heck, Mr Negishi Ei Uichi and Mr Akira Suzuki.
Why is there almost always only men that is aworded the Nobel Prize in anything... Ok, that's not true, fact is that there has been 41 times that women has been aworded the Nobel Prize but so far only once in Economics and twice in Physics. The Nobel Prize in chemistry has only been aworded four times and with Marie Curie given the Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1911.

  1. 1903 The Nobel Prize in Physics went to  Mrs Marie Curie.
  2. 1963 The Nobel Prize in Physics went to Ms Goeppert - Mayer.
  3. 2009 The Nobel Prize in Economics went to Ms Ostrom.  
I'm not a feminist or anything but why is it usually only men that is reciving the Nobel Prize? Is it mentally challenging for women or what !?

Just asking...

As for the Peace Prize it will be aworded to a Chinese man...

© Taste of Kimchi, Elle

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