Saturday 9 October 2010


Mum why do you blame me for my sudden change of heart... you shouldn't be surprised that my opinions might have changed based on what I experienced this summer. I didn't know what to expect I whish you and ad could try to understand how I always seems to get hurt just by talking to you.

Fact is my birth family never intended to relinquish me but they did, but do you know how humiliated I am when you talk about you giving me a better life implaying and reminding me to be grateful?

First of all I think the better life part as well as grateful is an offense to my birth family and by talking downgrading about them you not only hurt me but also imply that you consider yourself better than them.

Second, you don't know for sure if my life would have been like my birth families if I wasn't adopted. Nobody knows what happens in the future, furthermore it is only based on your presumptions and a lot of secondguessing and assuming.

What I'm trying too say that since you (the adoptive parents) sometimes might become parents to a child that isn't really an orphan child meaning that that child's parents might still be avlive. Like in my case. Adopting a child who has had a solid and intact family requires a lot of respect because what it means is that basically are raising someone else's child.. I'm sorry for me there's no other way to say this. Or like in most cases the child that becomes a family member into a new Western family sometimes have very limited information if their biological parents and in many other's there is no inormation at all.

But adopting child that has a biological family that requires a special kind of attithud, knowledge and education. I'm not saying adoptive parents should raise their children differently but rather try too show a lot of consideration and respect towards the child's biological family. However this should be adjusted after the need of the child as it grows older...

♥쳐음은안녕.Bye for now.♥

© Taste of Kimchi, Elle

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