Monday 11 October 2010

Knowing When

When it comes to adoption and especially the the challenging part for adoptive parents having to come to terms with a possible differing reality post reunion. Based on my personal experience I would say that if the adoptive parents try too hold on to their adoptive child maybe even trying too persuade them that they're wrong while the parents are right. This could in fact have the very opposite effect, sort of like trying to capture runny water or preserve time, which basically means that by insisting that nothing is changed maybe clinging on their child this could lead to the opposite effect...

If the adoptive parents and the adoptee isn't able to compromise, respect and understand each other than a post reunion most likely will push the adoptee closer to their actual birth family, birth country and culture which at first can seem like the old adoptive parents has been replaced by the real birth family.

The big question and challenge is thus to know when to be curious and when to be defensive, but exactly when you're supposed to be defensive or curious and supportive is up to you tp figure out... Me I'm just a young woman trying to keep my head up in the water to prevent myself from drowning...

쳐음은안녕.Bye for now. ♥

© Taste of Kimchi, Elle

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