Tuesday 5 July 2011

Killing Me Softly

No not really it's just a reference to the 1971 song Killing Me Softly With His Song, which was made by Charles & Norman Gimbel (but who seems to be mostly remembered as a Roberta Flack's song)....

I have no one else to blame for the pain I sometimes feel. (The pain I've encountered in my adult years, I mean). Not so much the pain caused by adoption which is still a scar.

I'm killing me softly.. and no body is around to pick me up or to make me smile again. And I've caused this by myself...(Or that's how it feels if I would try to explain it...)

As an international adoptee adopted to Sweden I have always have had access to my birth certificate or what's called social study in my case (Although the details in that wasn't exactly 100% accurate). In the US maybe the entire US some states will keep the original birth certificate closed and some will only release this information later. I honestly didn't really comprehend exactly how complicated and complex this matter was. An American adoptee (by domestic adoption) could be born in one state and then later adopted by another state , which really seems to complicate the matter further.

And let's not forget the Stolen generation (Australian adoptees of  Assie Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander) but more on that another day...

Here's one petition on adoptees access to original birth certificates (US adoptees) as well as a site (American).

Out of the US states only Kansas and Alaska has a law that grants access to adoption file and OBC (original birth certificate) while Alabama,Maine , Oregon and New Hampshire allows access at either at age 18 or 21 although Delaware and Illinous allows birth parents issue a veto to prevent adoptees to gain access and lastly Massachusetts which allows adults to born before 17th July 1974 and as of January 1st 2008 adoptive parents can gain access to OBC which means adoptees born before 17th July 1974 can't get access...

(The above information might not be 100 % accuarte...)

As you are reading this I'm getting ready to go to bed for the night...

© Taste of Kimchi, Elle

Related posts:

Trip Summary

Adoptee Arrival

Not For Everyone

Why Korea

Vivid Dreams

The Maze

Bending Over

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