Thursday 21 July 2011

Preparing To Fly

Why did you have to adopt me, me of all people !? Why couldn't you have chosen someone else...? You have not exactly made yourself a favour by adoption (buying) me from South Korea.
Did anyone ever tell you that Korean is one of the world's most diificult languages to learn !? Did they tell you? Or didn't you listen!? If you´re from the Arbic speaking or Finnish speaking world then learning Korean isn't really that hard since they are from the same language family.

Why, why !? I sometimes wish the words that come out of my mouth could be fluent Korean (Hangul) and not some unimportant language like Swedish. Because honestly what good has that brought me !? Nothing, nothing at all to be honest. If I could make just one wish I'd wish without a blink that I would have Korean as my native language or at least know fluent Korean.

If that happen I could easilly write Korean letters and emails. Read the original letters without having to wait for translation. Maybe even speak on the phone with my real family...

Sometimes I do hate being adopted. Enough sad.

I'm still in Sweden but as every day comes too a close my departure to Seoul is coming closer. I'm trying to prepare myself, listening to K pop song on Spotify. Trying to watch some Korean dramas online and reading some Korean newspapers (online)...

If I could I would probably take out my chopsticks and try to improve on my chopsticks skills.. I'll have to remember to ask mum to help me put my Han Bok and then take a picturé of me wearing it.

Do you have any advice on how to prepare for Korean trip ? (I'm not talking about different places to visit, what to eat or do... What I mean is if you do something special to prepare yourself before a journey to another culture?)

Something kind of akward happened the other day, I bumped into an old calssmate of mine, from 4th grade. First of all I didn't know what to do since it was akward, how should I have presented myself ? Secondly, my classmate was pulling a shopping cart and in it was a toddler. Suddenly I felt very old, bear in mind that we're the same age...

I'm not sure if this blog still would be up and running if by chance someone from my birth family found it... Then I might have to maybe not delete it completely I might be able to keep most of my posts... But if that happens I sure will let you know.

© Taste of Kimchi, Elle

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Korean Treasures

How Did It Start

Fear Of Flying

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