Saturday 18 December 2010


I feel totally empty, my brain is on overload since obsorving so much data , statistics and information about international adoption and Korea. I need a break from it, my thesis, the adoption thing and maybe even Korea. Sometimes, not often though I feel like I would like to crawl out of my Asian and Korean skin and disappear into something else. I wonder how likely it is for me to take a break from it all since my thesis about international adoption in Korea.....

It's gonna be Christmas soon and next year I'll be freaking 25!!??

I havn't heard any more news about the situation or conflict in Korea so maybe it's not going to escalate in 2010 although the year isn't over before 2nd February...

The other day one of my friends told me that my ordinary expression can for people who don't know me can be interpreted as confussion. Furthermore that my ordinary everyday face doesn't portray the feelings that I might be feeling. Of course hearing that for the first time made me feel a bit shocked too say the least, but actually I decided to put on a sheild since teenage years and it now looks like I succeeded. And no, I will not change this because it's taken me over 10 yars to polish this skill and secondly it is a protection mechanism. I find it is better to try too have blank face until you start talking that is. I won't go into how many people that has disappointed me over the years but yes they are a few...

I don't expect very many to understand this, maybe only adoptees that has a recorded birth family or adoptees who have gone through some kind of reunion can relate to this...

© Taste of Kimchi, Elle

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