Tuesday 29 March 2011

Kimchi,Bread And Meatballs

No it's not some peculiar food and taste combination, although it could be and maybe those different dishes actually goes well toghether... What goes with kimchi and what goes with meatballs ? Do they marry each other flavorvise ? It happens to be the name of my new nonblogger blog which I already started.

Here's my new blog which I already started, I have yet to decide what to write about. It's the same address as the name of this blog, but has another title. So all those who can't read or open blogger, it's now finally your turn to read about my life.

By the way I've recently realized that you really need to follow instructions when baking something but you can actually be more creative when cooking. I used to make potatoe gratine by slicing potaties and then pour the cream but, I've since learned that preboiling potatoes in cream, garlic, black pepper and salt is way better.

I really enjoy baking and cooking and the more complicated dishes the better, but of course I do know my limit. Like the other day when I made dinner for the family it was potatoe gratine, pork loain with homemade bearnaise. It was my first attempt ever trying to make that gravy and it did turn out pretty well for my first try, and it was acceptable so I didn't have to toss it away. When you make home bearnaise you keep the sliced onions but when you get it in a restaurant or buy the ready made product there's no onions !

But if you somehow could escape the smell from standing behind the stowe I think I would cook even more, but baking's no problem it's the smell from cooking food that really annoys me. It sticks to your clothes and your hair too, and of course you could change your clothes and wash your hair, but really what's the point if you risk serving cold food then ?

Yesterday it was finally time to turn our watches into summer time and it also coinsided with Earth Hour, which my parents decided to partake in but not with total dedication. They cheated and watched TV, with the rest of the house completely black ! I think you either should decide to join in or ignore not almost do something.

© Taste of Kimchi, Elle

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