Tuesday 28 June 2011

Swedish Upbringing

I know many Swedes that probably wasn't able to celebrate Midsummer's Eve, because a majority of employees at SAAB was told they wouldn't get their expected salary for Midsummer. The company has no money to pay their employees salaries, but there's appparently a small chance that they will get their money later in this week. Surprisingly enough the Chinese seems to have more faith in SAAB than, well no one else...

As I mentioned before Sweden is actually struggeling with poverty that affects children....
 Read barnfattigbloggen here (Swedish) . And why not when you're at it, also read fattigbloggen (Swedish again)...

What does it mean to live in Sweden (really)? Or more importantly what does it mean to grow up in Sweden not only as an adoptee but a Korean adoptee.. ?

Well, that's a though one and I only have my own life to compare with (so it might not be so accurate).
  1. You want to know where you came from (genealogy research is really popular)
  2. People (genearlly speaking) accepts you if you're adopted but not so much if you're a immigrant...
  3. People tell you to be grateful
  4. Everyone thinks it's ok to ask all kinds of personal questions to you
  5. You may get unwanted advice one in a while
  6. If you by some chance manage to find your birthfamily people want to know all about it
A few days ago I wrote a poem about my frustration and stigma ( I won't publish the entire poem) and a little warning READ IT CAREFULLY, with an open mind that is...

I was never meant to be your girl,
I'm not a product of your love
The eyes which I use to gaze upon the world
It's not your eyes
Yet it is your wourld that I see
When I look into the mirror it is not your face that I see
I see the face of someone else
When I speak I speak your language
Yet you cannot understand me...

© Taste of Kimchi, Elle

And yes, the poem continues but I will not publish the rest ( it can be interpreted in two ways as it is now, but only one is correct)... I don't mean to offend anyone, I'm truely sorry if I do but it's not my purpose of blogging.

 Sorry if this entry is a bit confussing, I hope you the message anyways... This poem was one that I wrote straight up from my head and it isn't meant to be uppsetting but it might still be...

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