Friday 3 June 2011

A One Note

A common feeling that I personally feel almost daily is that being an adoptee means you're a one note. A broken record, because we may come across as nagging and ungrateful (seen through the eyes of the non adopted people). But adoption is a traumatic experience no matter at what stage in the adoptees life it occurs.

Yet adoption has existed ever since the Roman empire and Korean adoption is an ancient costume especially in the royal houses in the race for the title and throne. A daughter to the king could easilly adopt not necessarilly a child but young boy which was to inherit in place of the woman, which during one time in history didn't allow female heirs.

I wonder if they knew or realized that international adoption from Korea would become very popular and complicated.

Personally I confess I have my ups and downs, I suppose that happens when I long for my Korean family or when I'm overthinking everything.

Related posts:

Broken Record

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