Monday 29 November 2010

Wasting Time

I know I should try to work on my thesis by now but I can't instead it seems I'm only wasting time.
Time I could have put on my thesis I now use for knitting,reading and art.
Quite convinient if it wasn't for the fact that I feel really stressed.
I'd like to finish my thesis before 2015 or at least before I'm thirty....
Seriously would it be too much too ask!?

I am counting the days until I leave this goodforsaken place forever and even though you might think that I will be presenting thesis in the same University it seems it might not be so... I know that if I decide to dl my thesis at another University I will for sure lose my place at my program and honestly speaking that is not such an awful thing! As long as I get a University degree from somewhere I don't really care where it comes from. I am really not willing to write my thesis at my current University with my supposed tutor or another one. I don't want them to get credit for me thesis or more importantly money for my education and thesis. Period.

I have found Korean songs on spotify so yes I'm now a subscriber of¨it, but I did sign up for spotify without knowing if there were any Korean songs at spotify at all. I should have made someone look for them before signing up, silly I know.

♥ 챠금은안녕. Bye for now.♥

© Taste of Kimchi, Elle

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