Sunday 27 November 2011

Relative Choice

How can you move on in life as an adoptee ? What choices do you have ?
I don't think there's any bad or better choices, all choices are just as good as long as they are made by the adoptee and nobody else. As people grows older they are presented with different choices all the time.

Do I want to find my birth family or not ? Do I have to look for them... Do I want to return the country of my birth... Do I have to return to my birth country...

If you were to ask my younger brother those questions I think he would just shake his head and answer no and that should be allright.

I fantasize a lot, I have a big imagination too and lately I begun to to imagine an island with the name Reunion for all of those that has managed to be reunited with a long lost one, in particular adoptees. And every time it becomes difficult or strained or whatever I imagine myself getting in a boat ready to leave the island or at least to get all my packing done.. in case I'd like to leave... Because reunion is not just a happy place and ending, it can be frustrating, difficult, energy consuming, emotionally difficult, confussing and bittersweet.

I'm not sure how big that island would be or how many the inhabitants of such an island would be, I guess it would have to be pretty big but I don't think new settlers would arrive every day and maybe people would be have some sort of communal living... I'm not sure to be totally honest...

Reunion island would be located in a warm climate with palm trees and no winter climate or snow (at least the island I'm talking about..)

© Taste of Kimchi, Elle

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